Welcome to La Vizeule's model railways


Welcome to La Vizeule's model railways

     Layout description

     Implemented techniques


My name is Jacques Veillard and I am fascinated by both small and large trains since my childhood. La Vizeule is the name of the locality where I live near Rennes in Brittany. This locality had never seen a train until I reinstalled in my attic the old toy train of my childhood . The network is an "O" scale layout (1/43.5th scale) with 3-rail track which corresponds to a space between rails of 32 millimeters. This scale is very old. It has existed since the beginning of twentieth century.

In 2002, a modern toy train layout with 2-rail track was installed. This layout also on scale zero is controlled by computer with sound effects.

Lastly, since the beginning of 2004, a third layout on the same scale is under installation. It is designed as a modular network which represents a small railway station of the french Western country.

In addition, the realization of a G scale garden railway started in July 2006. The layout will be inspired in the future by a small departmental train with metric gauge which ran in the west of France.


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